
Welcome to our Podcast “Power In Heels”. We upload new episodes each week! Enjoy!

Nadia Ladak

Nadia Ladak


Written By: Taylor Scally

Nadia Ladak is the CEO and co-founder of Marlow, a menstrual health brand that’s created the first-ever lubricated tampons! A revolutionary gamechanger in the menstrual health space, Marlow was created with a focus on comfort and environmental sustainability, as tampon applicators are one of the most found items in beach clean ups. Join Nadia as she talks about the start-up process, the setbacks they faced, and pitching on Dragons’ Den. Listen now!

Quote from Nadia:

We wanted to create a better option so that people can live comfortably on their period and also create this modern brand that people actually resonate with.

It’s okay to bring in experts and to bring in people who have strengths that you don’t have.
— Nadia Ladak
You never know where a conversation may take you and it’s always beneficial to just have those connections and see what happens.
— Nadia Ladak
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