Jane Kristoffy
Launch Yourself
Taking success into our own hands!
In this episode of Power in Heels Maysee and Whitney get the opportunity to chat with the amazing Jane Kristoffy! She is an educator turned entrepreneur and the founder of Right Track Educational Services. Take a listen and learn all about how Jane started her business and how she is helping students every single day prepare for success in their futures!
“Push through the fear! Push through the discomfort!”
Entrepreneur and Founder:
Jane started Right Track Educational Services with the hopes of helping students reach their full potential. Check out her website to learn more about what she does!
In our episode Jane talked about her YouTube Series called “Career Stories” where she interviews and shares the stories of many different professions. When asked which episodes she had the most fun recording she mentioned this one! Check it out and learn about how this guest managed to merge the two worlds of Fashion and Science!
Want to Connect with Jane?
Add her on Instagram or LinkedIn!
Favourite Songs:
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