
Welcome to our Podcast “Power In Heels”. We upload new episodes each week! Enjoy!

Stacey Boguslavskaya & Monica Abramov

Stacey Boguslavskaya & Monica Abramov

Revolutionizing Beauty

Imagine being able to curl or straighten your hair on the go; no outlet needed! On this episode of Power in Heels Maysee McLean and Whitney Keunen are joined by two wonderful guests, Stacey Boguslavskaya and Monica Abramov. They are the founders of Lunata Beauty, a revolutionary company that’s on a mission to free women from cords!

Anything is possible. There are so many opportunities and so many doors that are currently available to you. It’s just whether you will open that door and take advantage of that opportunity.
— Stacey
Don’t think that your first business will be your one shot at success. Don’t be afraid of failure because every single business is a learning opportunity.
— Monica
Lunata Logo.png

To learn more about Lunata Beauty check out their Website and Instagram!

Monica (left), and Stacey (right) busy planning for all things Lunata!

Monica (left), and Stacey (right) busy planning for all things Lunata!

Check out their Dragon’s Den appearance here!

Check out some of the Lunata Beauty Products:

Favourite Songs

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Tracie Wark

Tracie Wark

Avril Ewing

Avril Ewing